

January 14, 2021
Scientists raise public awareness of alien plant species in Karelia. Even if many of them may appear commonplace, they can pose risk to local ecosystems and sometimes also to human health. A new video from KarRC RAS introduces several alien plants.
Karelian Research Centre RAS, Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), and Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE) continue implementing the DIAS project under the Karelia CBC Programme funded by the European Union, Finland, and Russia. The project aims to promote the collaborative data and information exchange network for managing invasive alien species.

Invasive alien species are the species that have spread beyond their natural range in the wake of human activities. They may be dangerous for the health of humans and animals, damage crops, and harm the local flora and fauna. There are many invasive species in Karelia, but some 20 of them have already become an issue. Knowing this, scientists encourage local people and visitors of the republic to report their encounters with alien species. This can be done by clicking the following link:

It may be difficult for a layman to identify the species that are invasive in Karelia, so within the DIAS project KarRC RAS has launched a series of publications about specific members of the flora and fauna.

On January 14th a video was posted in KarRC RAS community on about three invasive plant species: Himalayan balsam, Sosnowsky’s hogweed, and rugosa rose. They are widespread, and probably familiar to everyone. The video was authored by biologist and photographer Anastasia Prokhorova. Whence did the “aliens” come from, how do they spread, and what actions are taken to control them? Watch the video, share it via social media, and joint the DIAS project – anybody can help scientists in the study!

See also:

November 17, 2023
Starting November 13–18, the 7th BRICS International School takes place in Moscow. Its participants are graduate and post-graduate students and young specialists from countries of the alliance. The event is organized by the Russian National Committee on BRICS Research with support from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Fund, and Presidential Grants Fund. KarRC RAS takes part in the school for the second time.
November 11, 2023
The international seminar “Cooperation on climate change research, environmental monitoring and modeling” completed in Petrozavodsk. Specialists from the Northern Water Problems Institute KarRC RAS and Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences presented their studies and identified areas of common scientific interest for joint projects.
November 8, 2023
Scientists from Karelia and China discuss plans for joint research of water bodies. A delegation from the Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is on a working visit to KarRC RAS. The researchers are focusing on climate change, human impact on the natural environment and other topics and areas common to Russia and China.