

September 7, 2023
International conference “Regional cooperation within BRICS: sustainable nature management – environment, education, tourism” to take place in Petrozavodsk on September 14–15. Representatives of authorities, scientific organizations, and the expert community of Russia, India, China and South Africa will discuss the prospects of interaction between the regions of this interstate alliance.
The conference is co-organized by the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (KarRC RAS) and the National Committee on BRICS Research (Russia). The event is intended for scientific networking at the regional level of the BRICS member countries. For two days, KarRC RAS will serve as a platform for discussing common challenges and opportunities, as well as areas for joint regional projects in the field of nature management, environmental safety and tourism. According to Olga Bakhmet, KarRC RAS Director General, RAS Corresponding Academician, scientific cooperation within the BRICS framework can form the basis for horizontal ties with regions in other countries.

Representatives of the Russian Federation Council, Foreign Ministry, National Committee for BRICS Research (Russia), Russian Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment, as well as the BRICS Research Center (Guangdong University of Technology, China) and Indian Secretariat of Think20, an official engagement group of the G20, will participate in the conference opening.

In addition to the plenary session, the conference program includes two thematic sessions: "Climate Change, Sustainable Use of Natural Resources and Environmental Safety in BRICS Countries: Region-specific Features" and "Environmental Education and Tourism in BRICS Countries". On the Russian side, researchers from almost all federal districts of the country will deliver their presentations.

The conference program is available here.

For the Karelian Research Center RAS, cooperation with BRICS is a promising and productive avenue. KarRC RAS institutes are already actively collaborating with colleagues from Brazil, China, and India, and there are also some joint activities with scientists from South Africa. The multidisciplinary approach of Karelian scientists can provide a basis for utilizing the scientific potential of KarRC RAS in the interests of the Republic, Russia, and other BRICS countries.

Media partners of the conference: Scientific Russia electronic periodical, Citylink company, òåëåêàíàë SAMPO TV 360° TV Channel

Photo: Igor Georgievsky / KarRC RAS

See also:

November 17, 2023
Starting November 13–18, the 7th BRICS International School takes place in Moscow. Its participants are graduate and post-graduate students and young specialists from countries of the alliance. The event is organized by the Russian National Committee on BRICS Research with support from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Fund, and Presidential Grants Fund. KarRC RAS takes part in the school for the second time.
November 11, 2023
The international seminar “Cooperation on climate change research, environmental monitoring and modeling” completed in Petrozavodsk. Specialists from the Northern Water Problems Institute KarRC RAS and Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences presented their studies and identified areas of common scientific interest for joint projects.
November 8, 2023
Scientists from Karelia and China discuss plans for joint research of water bodies. A delegation from the Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is on a working visit to KarRC RAS. The researchers are focusing on climate change, human impact on the natural environment and other topics and areas common to Russia and China.