KS1460 Innovative Natural Solutions of Shungite & EM Technology for Water Purification – SHEM-WP (ENI CBC «South-East Finland »), 2019–2021
Petrology and geology of Archean greenstone belts of the Bundelkhand (Indian shield) and Karelian (Fennoscandian shield) cratons as the basis for geodynamic reconstructions of the early Earth, 2015–2020.
Predicting and mitigating effects of forest fires in Northern Europe through multi-proxy analysis and modeling (PREFORM), 2016–2020 (Project details)
Eurasian Chronicle of Nature - Large Scale Analysis of Changing Ecosystems
KA5051 Cross-border tools for biodiversity hotspots preservation via monitoring and prevention of forest fires along Russian-Finnish border BIOKARELIA (ENI CBC “Karelia” project), 2019-2021
KA5002 ECODIVE – Diverse and clean forests – successful bioeconomy (ENI CBC “Karelia” project), 2019-2021 (Project details)
KA4002 Boosting Forest Cluster SME Business in two Karelias - Bofori (ENI CBC “Karelia” project), 2018-2022 (Project details)
Modern resources of Karelian birch, 2009–2019
Assessment of the intra- and interspecific diversity of the genus Betula L. under different climatic conditions and human impacts, 2014-2019
Research into the mechanisms for regulation of growth and development in woody plants, and search for the ways to effectively manage these processes, 2015-2019
Study of the current state of the world resources of Karelian birch (including in Sweden), 2017–2021
KA4033 Cross Border Business Opportunities Creation Empowered by Modern IT and IoT Technologies (ENI CBC “Karelia” project), 2018–2020 (Project details)
Personal Name Systems in Finnic and beyond: reconstructing the concepts of name giving in cultural layers of prehistory (Academy of Finland grant), 2015–2019
Sortavala in the 20th century (Sortavala 1900-luvulla), 2016–2019
Mechanisms for preserving the language and ethnocultural identity of the titular ethnic groups of Karelia and Belarus: youth initiatives
Canadian and American Finns in the construction of forestry in Soviet Karelia in the 1920-1930s. (Kanadan ja Amerikan suomalaiset Neuvosto-Karjalan metsätaloutta rakentamassa 1920-30-luvuilla), 2018–2020