Projects of the Institutes of KarRC RAS (more information is on the Institutes’ web pages)
Institute of Geology

  • KS1460 Innovative Natural Solutions of Shungite & EM Technology for Water Purification – SHEM-WP (ENI CBC «South-East Finland »), 2019–2021
  • Petrology and geology of Archean greenstone belts of the Bundelkhand (Indian shield) and Karelian (Fennoscandian shield) cratons as the basis for geodynamic reconstructions of the early Earth, 2015–2020.

  • Forest Research Institute

  • Predicting and mitigating effects of forest fires in Northern Europe through multi-proxy analysis and modeling (PREFORM), 2016–2020 (Project details)
  • Eurasian Chronicle of Nature - Large Scale Analysis of Changing Ecosystems
  • KA5051 Cross-border tools for biodiversity hotspots preservation via monitoring and prevention of forest fires along Russian-Finnish border BIOKARELIA (ENI CBC “Karelia” project), 2019-2021
  • KA5002 ECODIVE – Diverse and clean forests – successful bioeconomy (ENI CBC “Karelia” project), 2019-2021 (Project details)
  • KA4002 Boosting Forest Cluster SME Business in two Karelias - Bofori (ENI CBC “Karelia” project), 2018-2022 (Project details)
  • Modern resources of Karelian birch, 2009–2019
  • Assessment of the intra- and interspecific diversity of the genus Betula L. under different climatic conditions and human impacts, 2014-2019
  • Research into the mechanisms for regulation of growth and development in woody plants, and search for the ways to effectively manage these processes, 2015-2019
  • Study of the current state of the world resources of Karelian birch (including in Sweden), 2017–2021

  • Institute of Applied Mathematical Research

  • KA4033 Cross Border Business Opportunities Creation Empowered by Modern IT and IoT Technologies (ENI CBC “Karelia” project), 2018–2020 (Project details)

  • Institute of Economics

  • Public Health: Issues and Solutions
  • KA4007 Kalitka – the development of cross-border gastronomic tourism (ENI CBC “Karelia” project), 2018-2020 (Project details)
  • ÊÀ5013 WasteLess Karelias (ENI CBC “Karelia” project), 2018–2021 (Project details)
  • Ethno-cultural potential in tourist industry of border territories (ENI CBC “Karelia” project), 2018–2019 (Project details)

  • Institute of Linguistics, Literature and History

  • Personal Name Systems in Finnic and beyond: reconstructing the concepts of name giving in cultural layers of prehistory (Academy of Finland grant), 2015–2019
  • Sortavala in the 20th century (Sortavala 1900-luvulla), 2016–2019
  • Mechanisms for preserving the language and ethnocultural identity of the titular ethnic groups of Karelia and Belarus: youth initiatives
  • Canadian and American Finns in the construction of forestry in Soviet Karelia in the 1920-1930s. (Kanadan ja Amerikan suomalaiset Neuvosto-Karjalan metsätaloutta rakentamassa 1920-30-luvuilla), 2018–2020

  • Institute of Biology

    Northern Water Problems Institute

    Last modified: April 22, 2024