International projects
Baltic Sea Underground Innovation Network (BSUIN) (Interreg Baltic Sea Region), 2017–2020
ÊÎ1017 Salmus: Salmonid Fish and Freshwater Pearl Mussel - Riverine Ecosystem Service and Biodiversity in the Green Belt of Fennoscandia (SALMUS) (ENI CBC “Kolarctic” project), 2019–2021
KA5033 Sustainability Under Pressure: Environmental Resilience in natural and cultural heritage areas with intensive recreation (SUPER) (ENI CBC “Karelia” project), 2018–2020
ÊÀ5046 DIAS – Collaborative Data and Information Exchange Network for Managing Invasive Alien Species (ENI CBC “Karelia” project), 2018–2021
KA9036 Ordinary Man in a Great War (OMinGW), (ENI CBC Karelia project), 2020–2022
X004. SEMPRE Accelerators for Service Co-creation (Interreg Baltic Sea Region), 2019-2021
Õ007. Water management in Baltic forests – Tool box (WAMBAF-Tool Box) (Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme, 2019–2021
HINTERLAND potentials for a spatial development under the aspects of decline
Improving ecological connectivity in boreal forests of the Barents region (Nordic Council of Ministers), 2018–2019
Contemporary Old City: Enhancing cultural tourism across the border (2012-2014), ENPI CBC Karelia Project
"Cities by the Water: New Opportunities for Business Development" (2011-2013), ENPI CBC Karelia Project
The ENPI Karelia Programme "Eco-efficient tourism" project (2012-2014), ENPI CBC Karelia Project
Project ENPI CBC KARELIA "Green cities and settlements – Sustainable spatial development in border areas" (2011-2014)
Intellectually driven management of natural resources of Green Belt of Fennoscandia
Last modified: April 22, 2024