Project is implemented within Karelia ENPI (European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument) CBC Programme.
Period of implementation: March 2011 – March 2013
Lead partner– Joensuu Regional Development Agency (Josek).
Finnish partners – Administration of Joensuu, Central Karelia Development Agency (KETI).
Russian partners– Petrozavodsk City Administration, Karelian Research Center of RAS (KarRC of RAS), Federal museum “Kizhi”, Business Incubator of Karelia, City of Sortavala, Karelian Regional Institute of Management, Economy and Law.
Associated partners: Chamber of Trade and Commerce of the Republic of Karelia, Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Karelia, Chamber of Trade and Commerce of North Karelia, Association of Industrial Entrepreneurs of the City of Sortavala, North Karelia Enterprise Agency.
Project purpose: elaborate integrate solutions in territorial development in the cities of Joensuu, Kitee, Petrozavodsk and Sortavala, which would combine business support and spatial planning.
Russian part of the project budget: 214 000 ĺâđî
In terms of implementation and administration, the project is broken down into three work packages (WP).
WP1 (Spatial planning) is the central package of the project, which is interconnected with WP2 (Business support) and WP3 (Marketing).
Each work package implies realization of a number of key activities.
WP1: Spatial planning
- Elaboration of architectural concept “City by the Water”, which would cover waterfront territories of Petrozavodsk, from Solomennoye to Southern industrial zone
- Elaboration of architectural project of historical quarters “Old City”, Petrozavodsk
- Development of 3D models for the projects “City by the Water” and “Old City”
- Territorial development works in the Old City (road repair, installation of new benches, street lamps, street signs)
- Elaboration of spatial planning recommendations for the city of Sortavala in Republic of Karelia (project's second year)
Responsible partners: Petrozavodsk City Administration, Kizhi museum
WP2: Business support
- Organization of joint activities for support and development of business contacts between companies and business support organizations of Republic of Karelia and North Karelia
- Setting up an International consulting center on the basis of Business Incubator of RK
- Organization of a contest of business ideas, aimed at development of waterfront territories of Petrozavodsk
Responsible partner: Business incubator
WP3: Marketing
- Development of marketing concepts and territorial brands for the pilot projects “City by the Water” and “Old City”
- Development of marketing recommendations regarding waterfront and historical territories of Sortavala
- Activities, aimed at promotion of brands “City by the Water' and “Old City” (participation in exhibitions, conferences, presentations)
Responsible partners: KRS RAS, Kizhi museum
Project activities also include organization of a conference on city planning (November 2011) and a final conference in Petrozavodsk with participation of representatives of business communities and potential investors.
Activities on the Finnish side are concentrated on development and promotion of cross-border business contacts. Also, a concept of development of waterfront zone in Joensuu will be outworked.
Contact information:
Nadezhda Mikhailova
Assistant President for Foreign Contacts,
Karelian Research Centre of RAS
+7 (8142) 780109
Igor Shevchuk
Foreign Relations Officer,
Karelian Research Centre of RAS
+7 (8142) 780109