

September 16, 2023
The International conference “Regional cooperation within BRICS: sustainable nature management – environment, education, tourism” finished its work in Petrozavodsk. On September 14–15 experts discussed the topics of climate change, environmental security, sustainable use and study of natural resources, green energy, development of green tourism, and others.
This international conference was organized by the Karelian Research Centre RAS and the National Committee on BRICS Research (Russia).

For the Karelian Research Center RAS, cooperation with BRICS is a promising and productive avenue.

- This is the first conference of this kind in Russia. Our mission is to build and augment horizontal contacts between regions of BRICS countries. Karelian scientists already work actively with colleagues from countries of the alliance. They carry out studies in geology, game theory, water toxicology, and many other areas, – told RAS Corresponding Academician, KarRC RAS Director General Olga Bakhmet.

Also, Karelian scientists take part in international expeditions to South Africa, India, China, and Brazil.

KarRC RAS Director General Olga Bakhmet speaking,
Vladimir Chizhov, Senator for the Republic of Karelia presiding

Researchers from almost all federal districts of the country presented their papers at the conference from the Russian side, and scientists from India, China and South Africa delivered online presentations.

– This conference is a great opportunity to discuss issues that unite the BRICS countries: a common vision and goals, an innovative approach to addressing these issues. This year India chairs the G-20. Just last week we organized an event to discuss scientific and technological development. This conference is another step towards giving a new impetus to the discussion and resolution of these issues," said Kumar Gaurav, Consul General of India in St. Petersburg.

Experts from Russia, India, China and South Africa participated in the conference offline and online

The development of science, especially addressing global problems, requires a discussion between scientists from different regions and countries. KarRC RAS can become a platform for regular conferences of BRICS countries. Karelian researchers are willing to propose to their colleagues their developments, in particular, regarding research on greenhouse gas emissions, the problem of recreational pressure on natural objects, the study of the cultural heritage and other topics. The multidisciplinary approach can provide a basis for utilizing the scientific potential of KarRC RAS in the interests of the Republic, Russia, and other countries of the alliance.

The conference program included two thematic sessions: "Climate Change, Sustainable Use of Natural Resources and Environmental Safety in BRICS Countries: Region-specific Features" and "Environmental Education and Tourism in BRICS Countries".

As a side event, a workshop for students on science communication was organized by KarRC RAS and Scientific Russia electronic periodical.

Photos by Igor Georgievsky / ŹąšĶÖ ŠĄĶ

See also:

November 17, 2023
Starting November 13–18, the 7th BRICS International School takes place in Moscow. Its participants are graduate and post-graduate students and young specialists from countries of the alliance. The event is organized by the Russian National Committee on BRICS Research with support from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Fund, and Presidential Grants Fund. KarRC RAS takes part in the school for the second time.
November 11, 2023
The international seminar “Cooperation on climate change research, environmental monitoring and modeling” completed in Petrozavodsk. Specialists from the Northern Water Problems Institute KarRC RAS and Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences presented their studies and identified areas of common scientific interest for joint projects.
November 8, 2023
Scientists from Karelia and China discuss plans for joint research of water bodies. A delegation from the Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is on a working visit to KarRC RAS. The researchers are focusing on climate change, human impact on the natural environment and other topics and areas common to Russia and China.