

September 22, 2023

See also:

October 15, 2024
KarRC RAS Director General Olga Bakhmet took part in the Strategic Forum-2024 held in St. Petersburg on October 10-11. The director acted as a panelist at the sessions devoted to cooperation between regions of Russia and Belarus, as well as green investments and public-private partnership for sustainable development of cities and regions. During the former, Corresponding Academician emphasized the need to establish a joint research funding program for scientists from Russia and Belarus.
October 10, 2024
Arsenyev's Readings, a traditional conference dealing with questions of economic geography and spatial development statistics, started at the Karelian Research Center RAS. It is held biennially by the Institute of Economics KarRC RAS. This year the conference is timed to the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the 235th anniversary of birth of Academician Konstantin Arsenyev. “Thanks to him Petrozavodsk and Karelia can be considered the birthplace of Russian statistics and the place where the world-famous Russian economic geography school was born”, - noted Director of the Institute of Economics KarRC RAS Tatyana Morozova.